Friday 6 December 2013

Action-Painting Action Man Painting Live Stream

I can get pretty excited when I talk about the Abstract Expressionists and then again I can think hold on this is all so much hot air. They are a conundrum - on the one hand seeking to counteract the levelling of culture brought about by consumerist forces and on the other hand playing a major part in promoting a reductionist view of freedom as "free-enterprise". I love the cosmic vast horizons of their self sufficient canvases but I'm not a fan of the idea that grand themes are all tragic. Blake's vision of "Joy and Woe" is one closer to my heart.
Whenever I need to reignite my enthusiasm for the power of bypassing the ego I'll dip into something by Jung and the words from the well spring soon flood over me and I am once more swept away into the infinite void. Pollock was the ultimate spiritual tuning fork but his loss of ego was brought about by dripping. Pure undiluted dripping, swirling, dancing and pouring. My own loss of ego-driven control is achieved through reminding myself of the joys of holding an Action-Man and talking my way through a story. This is how I can make painting relevant to the present vortex of instant multiple-choice media. Live streaming pure living Action-Man Painting.
Canvases by Action-Painting Action Man are available through his dealer The Vessel. Prices start at £33 for the canvas in the film.